Women's & Men's Ministry

We Love Women's Ministry
We Love Women's Ministry

We believe in the power of gathering the women in our Church together to inspire, grow in faith, encourage one another, and have a lot of fun together!
Our desire is to see women equipped, encouraged, empowered, and challenged to take ownership of their faith and lead those around in the things of God.
Women’s ministry at Connect is a mixture of events and connect groups with our annual big ministry event for all women to attend.
Through all of this, we simply want to see women encouraged in their faith, build great relationships with one another and be all that Gods called them to be.

What's Happening

We run 2 women’s specific events across the year which are incredible opportunities for our ladies to invest specifically into their own faith and relationships. These women’s events are designed to encourage all ladies in their walk with Jesus, faith, leadership & Godly friendships.
We encourage you to check out the dates below, put them in the calendar and join us for powerful times of ministry and friendship!

Connect Groups

We believe in discipleship and believe that Connect Groups are one of the best models and tools for this!
Our desire is to see Women’s connect groups running in order to effectively encourage and disciple the women of our Church.
If you’re interested in joining a Connect Group, please see some of the women’s connects available below, or if you’re interested in leading a connect group please see one of our team – we’d love to chat!

Men's Ministry
Men's Ministry

We believe in empowering the men in our Church to lead in all areas of their life. There is something powerful when men are passionate in their faith, serve God with great hunger and are an example to others of growing in the things of God and wholeheartedly pursuing Him!
Our desire is to see men equipped, encouraging, empowered and challenged to take ownership of their faith, rise up and lead those around in the things of God.
Men’s ministry at Connect is a mixture of events, toolbox meetings, connect groups and of course our annual Men’s Camp which is not to be missed!
Through all of this, we simply want to see men encouraged in their faith, build great relationships with other men and take ownership of their faith journey!

What's Happening

We run 3 men’s specific events across the year which are incredible opportunities for our mens to invest specifically into their own faith and relationships. These men’s events are designed to encourage men in their walk with Jesus, faith, leadership & Godly relationships. We encourage you to check out the dates below, put them in the calendar and do whatever you can to be there! They will be powerful!

Toolbox Sunday’s are all about equipping the men of Connect Church with the tools and strategy to navigate life and faith. We want to encourage, challenge & empower men to lead in faith in all areas of life. These will be short, powerful sessions – approximately 45mins – after our Sunday service a few times throughout the year.

We believe in discipleship and believe that Connect Groups are one of the best models and tools for this! Our desire is to see Men’s connect groups running in order to effectively encourage and disciple the men of our Church. If you’re interested in joining a Connect Group, please see some of the men’s connects available below, or if you’re interested in leading a connect group please see one of our team – we’d love to chat!

Men's Connect Groups

We believe in discipleship and believe that Connect Groups are one of the best models and tools for this!
Our desire is to see Men's connect groups running in order to effectively encourage and disciple the Men of our Church.
If you’re interested in joining a Connect Group, please see some of the connects available below, or if you’re interested in leading a connect group please see one of our team – we’d love to chat!